Investor fact sheet

Name: Sovereign Cloud Holdings Limited trading as AUCloud
Business Description: AUCloud is an Australian owned and operated Cyber Security Managed Security Service Provider (MSSP) and Sovereign Cloud Service (IaaS) specialist that supports Australian Governments, Critical National Industries (CNIs) and secure enterprise organisations with the latest sovereign cloud infrastructure, backup and cyber security threat defence and response services.
Listings: Securities are listed under
ASX code: SOV.
Registered Office: C/- Pitcher Partners, GPO Box 1144 Brisbane QLD 4001
Board of Directors:

Cathie Reid (Chair)

Peter Maloney (Managing Director)

Phil Dawson (Executive Director)

Ross Walker (Non-Executive Director)

Craig Scroggie (Non-Executive Director)

Website: in new window
Auditor: Bentleys Brisbane (Audit) Pty Ltd
Analysts: Morgans Corporate Limited and Canaccord Genuity (Australia) Limited
Share Registry: Link Market Services Limited

Level 12
680 George Street
Sydney NSW 2000

Telephone: 8280 7100 (within Australia)
+61 2 8280 7100 (outside Australia)